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Wine Tasting

A break in a local winery to taste the magnificent local products and rediscover the traditional agriculture, a collection of flavors that has been handed down for centuries.


If interested in wine tours and tastings in the cellar, we will be glad to put you in touch with the best wineries in the area.

Casa Lionardo è situata nel cuore delle terre di origine di Leonardo e affacciata alla sua Casa Natale del Genio.

Ed è proprio dalla Casa Natale che si può intraprendere un viaggio alla scoperta delle sue origini e scoprire gli aspetti più intimi e privati della sua vita. 


Terminata la visita, si prosegue verso il borgo medioevale di Vinci, dove i musei Leonardiani e il Fonte Battesimale permetteranno di immergersi nelle visioni di Leonardo.

Il Montalbano, nel cuore della Toscana è terra di camminatori, tra i tanti sentieri che si possono percorrere troviamo il Leonardino e la Via dei Mulini, legati alla figura di Leonardo da Vinci, chiamati non a caso i sentieri del Genio.


Questi sentieri permettono di scoprire i dintorni del borgo di Vinci e attraversare i luoghi dove il Genio trascorse la sua infanzia.

Leonardo Experience

​Casa Lionardo is located in the heart of Leonardo’s homeland, overlooking his birth house. It is from the birth house that you can start a journey to discover its origins and the most intimate and private aspects of its life.

Once the visit is finished, continue towards the medieval burg of Vinci, where the Leonardian Museums and the Baptismal Font will allow you to immerse yourself in the visions of Leonardo.



The Montalbano, in the heart of Tuscany is a land of walkers, among the many paths that you can follow there are the Leonardino and Via dei Mulini, related to the figure of Leonardo da Vinci, called not by chance the paths of the Genius.

These paths allow you to discover the surroundings of the burg of Vinci and explore the places where the genius spent his childhood.


Visiting the lands of Leonardo by mtb or e-bike allows you to enjoy every aspect of the territory such as scents, colors and enchanting landscapes.

A bike trip to discover the history and culture of the lands of Leonardo and Tuscany.


Hiking and bird-watching

Lovers of nature and photography as well as birdwatchers will certainly enjoy excursions in the Fucecchio Marsh, a wide wetland inhabited by colonies of herons and other aquatic species that here found their ideal habitat.

The nature reserve is Italy’s largest inland marsh.

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